
WendzelNNTPd is an easy to configure Usenet server (NNTP daemon). WendzelNNTPd breaks down complicated things into an easy-to-use configuration file and tool. The server is portable (Linux/OpenBSD/FreeBSD/NetBSD and some similar systems), supports IPv4 and IPv6, experimental support for TLS (SNNTP/NNTPS), AUTHINFO authentication, contains support for Access Control Lists (ACL), Role-based Access Control (RBAC) and supports invisible newsgroups. It currently supports MySQL and SQLite backends.

This server is tailored for retro computing people as well as small workgroups, where users trust each other and where no synchronization with other usenet servers is necessary. For this reason, not all advanced NNTP features are included (e.g. commands for server synchronization).


Version 2.2-alpha

The Git repository’s master branch contains the latest version (2.2 alpha) that includes TLS support and several more enhancements.

Source (version 2.1.3)
Packages & Executables

Why you want a Usenet server

Probably because you are into retro computing and already run a Gopher service! :) WendzelNNTPd is not tailored as a critical service, it is for nerds who like to play with the protocol and want to use it for fun! Also, feel invited to contribute your patches and extensions!

Read my blog posting on WendzelNNTPd.


Features Under Development/Call for Testing

More Information


The documentation can be found here.


Some late 1990’s/early 2000’s-styled ‘powered by’ logos. Let me know if you incl ude these into your websites.

Powered by WendzelNNTPd

Powered by WendzelNNTPd